Every situation we encounter is a mirror back to us in someway

Coup d'œil du Coach
1 min readFeb 1, 2021

If we believe something to be true of another person, chances are we believe the same about ourselves.

Why? Where does it come from? If we don’t take the time to do the inner work, the stories we tell ourselves will remain the same and so will our experiences.

So STOP!!!!! Stop focusing on your limitations!!

START focusing on your POTENTIAL!!!!! Everybody has potential you can either sit there and be lazy and think of all the ways you suck and what your limits are….

OR you can go the extra mile and TRY IT!!! Try something and if it scares you EVEN BETTER!!

It doesn’t matter whether you try and succeed or you try and fail! As long as you were trying and pushing past your limits and experiencing all the wonderful things of what your potential has to offer that’s only thing that matters!!! 💯💯

What are you willing to do to change the story you’re telling yourself ?

© Karim.Boulakbech

Coach, Speaker & Author of The EASY Booklet

Link : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leadership-begins-vision-karim-boulakbech/

