The toughest question to mention is: « Are you true to yourself? »

Are You True To Yourself?

If that’s the case, you should be turning away people in your life who don’t fully align with your highest principles, values and beliefs.

On the other hand, if you’re trying to be everyone’s friend, chances are you’re not surrounding yourself with enough right people in your life. That’s why you try to quickly fit in and progress with the pace of the group, which may or may not meet your aspirations in life.

So the pivotal point, is when you remember to be yourself. Then you can choose to be remarquble or not. And even if you choose to stick with a group of people, the choice is still up to you : Are you a follower or a leader?»

© Karim.Boulakbech

Coach, Speaker & Author of The EASY Booklet

